Benefits of Orgasm Is Good For Your Health and Your Partner.

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, 10 June 2013

Achieving orgasm is a lot of people desire when making love with your beloved spouse. in addition to your partner happy, it turns out there are several

benefits of orgasm is good for your health and your partner.

1. Mr. p and ms. v stay healthy

Orgasms make you healthy genital organs. extra stimulation of orgasm makes the blood flowing to the genital tissues, keeping him fresh. for best results, you

have to reach orgasm at least once a week.

2. Increase endurance sick

By achieving orgasm, your endurance to pain is increased. the reason, a study stating that a good orgasm can double endurance sick. not only that, an orgasm

is an analgesic, not the anesthetic, which means it can suppress pain without affecting sensitivity to touch.

3. Protect your heart

Sexual activity and orgasm may reduce stress because it produces a hormone called oxytocin or cuddling that comes with orgasm. research also indicates that

orgasms can make your blood pressure lower blood pressure while high can trigger a heart attack.

4. Sleep more soundly

Orgasm turned out to help you sleep better. in addition to increasing confidence and bond between you and your partner, oxytocin also triggers the production

of endorphins. endorphin this often has the effect drugging. so, do not be surprised if you sleep well after having an orgasm.

5. Lose weight

To stay in shape and lose weight, orgasm is one way. having sex for 30 minutes apparently also burn your calories. in a half-hour session, you can burn at

least 200 calories, of course, include one to three times orgasm.
More aboutBenefits of Orgasm Is Good For Your Health and Your Partner.

Active Sex During Pregnancy Benefits Many

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Sex during pregnancy is safe and it is strongly recommended by the doctors. as long as the pregnancy is healthy and strong, having sex while pregnant actually provides many benefits for both the wife and husband. Uf bagazi obstetricians, spog of brawijaya woman & children hospital said, sex during pregnancy can be done from the first to the third trimester, depending on the convenience of the family.

Convenience sex varies depending on the individual. generally women experience a decline in interest related to the early trimester so maybe they do not feel comfortable. some women may not feel it, but felt uncomfortable in the last trimester because her belly was huge, said bagazi.

Nevertheless, many of the benefits of the activities of sex during pregnancy. here bagazi menuturkannya some of them.

1. Increase intimacy
Not only meet the biological needs, will increase the intimacy sex couples. when pregnant women tend to devote his attention to her pregnancy so that may make intimacy slightly reduced.

2. Improve blood circulation
Sex triggers the production of adrenaline and increased heart rate, thus increasing blood circulation. increased blood circulation to improve the supply of oxygen to the entire body, including to the fetus.

3. Analgesic
Activities of sex with a partner will increase the production of the happy hormone erdorfin. this hormone can reduce pain so that it serves as an analgesic.

4. Smooth skin
Having sex while pregnant can make your skin smoother. the reason, sex hormone estrogen helps improve the skin smooth.

5. Burn fat
Sex activity has been shown to increase fat burning, as well as that done during pregnancy. then sex activity may help keep the weight does not rise excessively in pregnancy.

More about Active Sex During Pregnancy Benefits Many

Spinach Benefits For the Body

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, 2 June 2013

Almost all walks of life in this country certainly never eat this one jenis of vegetable. spinach is already so popular in the eyes of society as a vegetable that not only can be a friend to eat rice, but also a lot of benefits contained therein. because of this, many people who have known efficacy of spinach, so prioritize to eat spinach every day.

Utilization of spinach as a vegetable is done by almost all the world indonesia is no exception. many people are interested in eating spinach because this vegetable contains nutrients that are beneficial to health.

Vegetable crops which has the scientific name amaranthus sp can make the body more healthy when consumed regularly. spinach is also able to increase the bodys defense system against disease and helps control the bodys metabolism system.

Benefits Spinach Following :

1. Good for the digestive tract
Spinach has a very beneficial effect for intestinal health. this includes vegetables rich in fiber. if you include them in your diet on a regular basis, guaranteed, you will have no masalah in digestion.

2. Neutralize the effects of sodium
Eating spinach regularly can help stabilize blood pressure. this is because spinach contains a lot of potassium, which serves to neutralize the adverse effects of sodium in the body. if you tend to give too much salt in everything you eat and have not been able to kick the habit, then at least try to eat more foods containing potassium.

3. Beneficial for the cardiovascular system
It has been proven that some components of the protein in spinach can slow change in the peptide angiotensin i to angiotensin ii peptide that can narrow the blood vessels so that blood pressure increases.

not only that, spinach also contains lutein, which is able to prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and reduces the risk of hypertension.

4. Maintain healthy bones and prevent bleeding
Spinach contains vit. k is responsible for blood clotting. not only is it important to prevent bleeding, vit. k working together with minerals such as phosphorus, copper, zinc, and magnesium to maintain strong bones and healthy as long as possible because it is able to retain calcium. and, spinach is the most perfect of osteoporosis prevention.

5. Antioxidants
Flavonoids contained in spinach can prevent premature aging and cancer risk. seyawa this reduces the effects of free radicals that damage body cells and helps the development of malignant tumors.

6. Strengthens the immune system
Vit. a, c, e, d, and b makes an ideal spinach as a vegetable to help the immune system. because, vitamins keep the number of immune cells in the body so it is enough to tell the body when there is a threat of infection and quickly react to infection.

7. To lose weight
Spinach contains a lot of nutrients, but low in calories so a diet that is right for you who are dieting.
More aboutSpinach Benefits For the Body