One sign of a healthy pregnancy is fetal weight increases appropriate increase growth. since the first trimester to the third trimester, fetal growth chart
Table or can be known. normally, in the first trimester, fetal weight in grams only a few figures. in the second trimester ( 12 weeks - 28 weeks ), kg of
Body weight be, and be about 2. 5 kg in the last trimester, ie weeks gestational age 28 - 35/36 weeks.
Girl in a pregnancy affected fetal growth restriction is known to have a high risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease and death in the decades ahead,
Said study investigator, dr basky thilaganathan, director of maternal fetal medicine unit at st georges university of london, in a news release.
Approximate weight
According to dr. nurwansyah, sp. og, on examination of pregnancy, fetal weight is calculated based on ultrasound examination. among other counting head
Circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur fetus.
There formula. calculated based on the measurement of the diameter of the head, abdominal circumference, and femur length, then converted to weight loss out
Guesstimate fetus. some ultrasound machines can also have a graphic showing growth, said the specialist obstetrician and gynecologist rs premier bintaro
This proceeding.
Why is it called approximate weight ? according nurwansyah, it is because it has a margin of error calculation. its error margin hangs machine ( usg ) and the
Examiner ( physician ). own margins hover around 200-400 grams. for example, at the age of 27 weeks fetal weight estimates of kg. at birth, his weight can be
800 to 1200 grams.
Far difference
However, fetal growth can be hampered for several reasons. this hampered the growth of the fetus will affect the development of the baby weight.
If the difference between the estimate and the figure of birth weight very much, it means that inhibited fetal weight. for example, 28 weeks of gestational
Age, fetal weight but only 500 grams. or, fetal age of 14 weeks, but age appropriate measure fetal body weight 7-8 weeks. we suggest caution.
The possibility of growth disturbance should be sought to know why. is there any chromosomal defects or other diseases. normally, babies like this, very
Small thigh size, not according to the size thigh fetal age of 14 weeks, as well as head size, said nurwansyah. however, it is still considered normal if in
38 weeks gestational age and fetal weight 2. 5 kg.
A variety of reason
If this inhibition occurs in the first trimester, most likely there is a chromosomal abnormality. if appears when entering the second trimester, is probably
Due to chromosomal abnormalities, or fetal growth variation due to other diseases. for example, the mother had diabetes.
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