Citrus fruits for health benefits

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, 12 July 2013

The kontent of vit. c in oranges beneficial to lower the risk of colon cancer hali attack is because grapefruit can help repel free radicals that can cause dna damage. vit. c also has a function as the immune system, for example, to ward off the flu and prevent infection of the ear. The kontent of antioxidants in oranges can work effectively protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals due. these free radicals cause aging of the skin.

The kontent of vit. b6 in oranges act to support the production of hemoglobin. magnesium can keep blood pressure remained in the normal condition.

Fiber in citrus fruits that contain natural sugar, fructose can help maintain blood sugar levels stable. because the function is very good orange dikonsusmsi by diabetics and prevent the onset of diabetes to those who have contracted the disease.

The kontent of beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid in fruits and other vegetables such as orange-red oranges, corn and pumpkins can lower the risk of cancer disease of the lungs.

Orange juice may be useful for treating fevers, hemorrhoids can cause bleeding disorders, help reduce excess acid in the blood, urine and facilitate.

Oranges useful for treating asthma, bronchitis, colds, and gastrointestinal disorders by making a sweet concoction of lemon juice, honey, salt, and a little pepper.

Benefit is very much orange, each according to its jenis, be it for seasoning, the manufacture of lemon tea, or to be eaten immediately. nausea when hungry or being thirsty and orange can make the nausea that is felt will disappear. unique taste with the water kontent of vit. c rich citrus fruit memilliki make its own advantages.

In addition to some of the benefits of citrus fruit mentioned above, this refreshing fruit flavor also has health benefits. with a water kontent are many, many different types of vitamins, minerals and other essential substances it contains, orange is very useful as :

  • Antioxidants, this substance is very good for healthy skin to protect against free radical attack that can damage skin health.
  • penormal blood pressure and helps the body to produce hemoglobin.
  • Antibodies and helps the immune system. it contains vit. c can make the body protected from the flu, reducing the risk of cancer of the colon, as well as easy to avoid damage to the dna.
  • Guard the stability of blood sugar levels and may help to prevent diabetes, due to the high fiber kontent.
  • That orange benefits for life, be it in the public interest or special. so, you should make it a habit to consume citrus fruit regularly for good health and our lives.

How to consume this orange is very easy and practical, whether it be eaten directly or made orange juice. however, for some types of citrus that tastes sour, it can be added sweeteners like sugar and honey while taking it.

Similarly, a brief description of citrus fruit, interesting is not it ? besides citrus fruit known as a fruit with great taste and refreshing it also has many properties and benefits, especially for health.
More aboutCitrus fruits for health benefits

Benefits of Orgasm Is Good For Your Health and Your Partner.

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, 10 June 2013

Achieving orgasm is a lot of people desire when making love with your beloved spouse. in addition to your partner happy, it turns out there are several

benefits of orgasm is good for your health and your partner.

1. Mr. p and ms. v stay healthy

Orgasms make you healthy genital organs. extra stimulation of orgasm makes the blood flowing to the genital tissues, keeping him fresh. for best results, you

have to reach orgasm at least once a week.

2. Increase endurance sick

By achieving orgasm, your endurance to pain is increased. the reason, a study stating that a good orgasm can double endurance sick. not only that, an orgasm

is an analgesic, not the anesthetic, which means it can suppress pain without affecting sensitivity to touch.

3. Protect your heart

Sexual activity and orgasm may reduce stress because it produces a hormone called oxytocin or cuddling that comes with orgasm. research also indicates that

orgasms can make your blood pressure lower blood pressure while high can trigger a heart attack.

4. Sleep more soundly

Orgasm turned out to help you sleep better. in addition to increasing confidence and bond between you and your partner, oxytocin also triggers the production

of endorphins. endorphin this often has the effect drugging. so, do not be surprised if you sleep well after having an orgasm.

5. Lose weight

To stay in shape and lose weight, orgasm is one way. having sex for 30 minutes apparently also burn your calories. in a half-hour session, you can burn at

least 200 calories, of course, include one to three times orgasm.
More aboutBenefits of Orgasm Is Good For Your Health and Your Partner.

Active Sex During Pregnancy Benefits Many

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Sex during pregnancy is safe and it is strongly recommended by the doctors. as long as the pregnancy is healthy and strong, having sex while pregnant actually provides many benefits for both the wife and husband. Uf bagazi obstetricians, spog of brawijaya woman & children hospital said, sex during pregnancy can be done from the first to the third trimester, depending on the convenience of the family.

Convenience sex varies depending on the individual. generally women experience a decline in interest related to the early trimester so maybe they do not feel comfortable. some women may not feel it, but felt uncomfortable in the last trimester because her belly was huge, said bagazi.

Nevertheless, many of the benefits of the activities of sex during pregnancy. here bagazi menuturkannya some of them.

1. Increase intimacy
Not only meet the biological needs, will increase the intimacy sex couples. when pregnant women tend to devote his attention to her pregnancy so that may make intimacy slightly reduced.

2. Improve blood circulation
Sex triggers the production of adrenaline and increased heart rate, thus increasing blood circulation. increased blood circulation to improve the supply of oxygen to the entire body, including to the fetus.

3. Analgesic
Activities of sex with a partner will increase the production of the happy hormone erdorfin. this hormone can reduce pain so that it serves as an analgesic.

4. Smooth skin
Having sex while pregnant can make your skin smoother. the reason, sex hormone estrogen helps improve the skin smooth.

5. Burn fat
Sex activity has been shown to increase fat burning, as well as that done during pregnancy. then sex activity may help keep the weight does not rise excessively in pregnancy.

More about Active Sex During Pregnancy Benefits Many

Spinach Benefits For the Body

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, 2 June 2013

Almost all walks of life in this country certainly never eat this one jenis of vegetable. spinach is already so popular in the eyes of society as a vegetable that not only can be a friend to eat rice, but also a lot of benefits contained therein. because of this, many people who have known efficacy of spinach, so prioritize to eat spinach every day.

Utilization of spinach as a vegetable is done by almost all the world indonesia is no exception. many people are interested in eating spinach because this vegetable contains nutrients that are beneficial to health.

Vegetable crops which has the scientific name amaranthus sp can make the body more healthy when consumed regularly. spinach is also able to increase the bodys defense system against disease and helps control the bodys metabolism system.

Benefits Spinach Following :

1. Good for the digestive tract
Spinach has a very beneficial effect for intestinal health. this includes vegetables rich in fiber. if you include them in your diet on a regular basis, guaranteed, you will have no masalah in digestion.

2. Neutralize the effects of sodium
Eating spinach regularly can help stabilize blood pressure. this is because spinach contains a lot of potassium, which serves to neutralize the adverse effects of sodium in the body. if you tend to give too much salt in everything you eat and have not been able to kick the habit, then at least try to eat more foods containing potassium.

3. Beneficial for the cardiovascular system
It has been proven that some components of the protein in spinach can slow change in the peptide angiotensin i to angiotensin ii peptide that can narrow the blood vessels so that blood pressure increases.

not only that, spinach also contains lutein, which is able to prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and reduces the risk of hypertension.

4. Maintain healthy bones and prevent bleeding
Spinach contains vit. k is responsible for blood clotting. not only is it important to prevent bleeding, vit. k working together with minerals such as phosphorus, copper, zinc, and magnesium to maintain strong bones and healthy as long as possible because it is able to retain calcium. and, spinach is the most perfect of osteoporosis prevention.

5. Antioxidants
Flavonoids contained in spinach can prevent premature aging and cancer risk. seyawa this reduces the effects of free radicals that damage body cells and helps the development of malignant tumors.

6. Strengthens the immune system
Vit. a, c, e, d, and b makes an ideal spinach as a vegetable to help the immune system. because, vitamins keep the number of immune cells in the body so it is enough to tell the body when there is a threat of infection and quickly react to infection.

7. To lose weight
Spinach contains a lot of nutrients, but low in calories so a diet that is right for you who are dieting.
More aboutSpinach Benefits For the Body

Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer How To Prevent Breast Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, 29 May 2013

One way to prevent breast cancer is to change the diet during all this we have lived. Choosing the type of food and beverages as well as diligent exercise is one way to prevent breast cancer that has now become one of the dreaded disease. This was conveyed by Brierley Wright, MS, RD, a master's degree in Nutrition Communication from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University.

Like what kind of food and drink and eat and drink need to avoid breast cancer? More please refer to the following one by one:

As for ways to prevent breast cancer is as follows:

    1 Avoid the use of a bra that is too tight for a long time.
    2 Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol.
    3 Do a breast self-examination every month.
    4 Avoid too much exposure to x-rays or other types of radiation.
    5 Keep your health by consuming fruits and vegetables fresh. Should often consume soy as well as dairy products, such as tofu, tempeh, and soy milk, because soy contains phyto estrogen, which is genistein, which is beneficial to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
    6 Perform regular exercise.
    7 Avoid eating too many high fat foods.
    8 Overcome with stress as well, such as through relaxation and meditation.
    9 Eat salad turmeric puti (Intersection mango) approximately two knuckles every day.

How to detect the symptoms of breast cancer?
You must diligently perform routine breast exams. Here are the steps in the detection of breast cancer:

  • You stood in front of the mirror while lifting both hands on her hips or hands.
  • View symmetry size, shape your breasts. No normal breast swelling and has a parallel form.
  •  Massage nipples, make sure there are no yellow fluid or blood, or white (not breastfeeding)
  • Raba and feel. Use three fingers (index finger, middle finger and ring finger) to feel the breast and do it by turning it clockwise. As you palpate, feel for any lumps or areas that are very hard on your breast area, for example, around the nipple or armpit approach.
  • If there is a lump detected suspect you do not panic. Immediately see a doctor to make sure.

Foods to prevent breast cancer

  • Broccoli. In vegetables, broccoli contains anti-cancer called sulforaphane. These compounds help fight the spread of cancer.
  • Carrots contain carotene, which is beneficial for the body, especially to prevent breast cancer.
  • Turmeric. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin (curcumin). These compounds play a role in inhibiting a molecule called RANKL, which is a molecule found in tumor cells of breast cancer is deadly and very aggressive.
  • Berry. Types of fruits such as strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry contain high antioxidant, especially anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Both of these substances can reduce free radical damage to healthy cells.
  • Tomato. Tomatoes also contain antioxidants called licopene, which may slow the growth of breast cancer cells.
    - Lychee. Lychee fruit is known to suppress the growth of cancer cells. This is caused by litchi contains a number of flavonoids, which is effective against breast cancer.
More aboutWays To Prevent Breast Cancer How To Prevent Breast Cancer

Sex Benefits for Health

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, 25 May 2013

Sex, when done normally and fairly, can certainly add to the harmony of the household, but if done to excess, of course sex can lead to a weak immune system and would be  more susceptible to infection.

Sex Benefits for Health.

1. Good for the heart
Sex than to express our love for couples was also good for  our heart health. If we do sexually active, it can increase  the heart rate and makes us healthier. Men who have sex  twice a week or more apparently lower risk of heart attack.

2. Losing weight
Sex is considered as one of the physical activity, but the  sec is the kind of fun physical activity compared with the others. And more importantly Sex can participate in  reducing weight. Although not as effective as a treadmill (which can burn 400 calories in 30 minutes, while only sex burns 85 calories), but sex can be done as part of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Avoid disease
Believe it or not it turns out that in doing sex on a regular basis can prevent minor illnesses such as the flu, and be able to improve our immune system. Couples who have sex at least twice a week, the body will have
immunoglobulin A antibodies higher than in couples who have sex more often, with Immunoglobulin A Antibodies higher then our bodies are protected from mild disease and flu. So do not do it to excess.

4. Reduce pain
A hormone produced during sex serves as a pain reliever and can reduce pain during menstruation and painful joints, in addition to various other diseases. The powerful chemicals called oxytocin (a hormone that calms and can reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels), which serves to lower blood pressure and useful if you are having a migraine.
5. Reduce the risk of prostate cancer
Among men, prostate cancer is a common disease suffered by men kamum. However, according to the results of research that men in their 20s reduced risk of prostate cancer after experiencing Ejakulaasi five times or more in seminggi. This has been no clear correlation for older men, but there's nothing wrong if you try.

6. Reduce stress
If we are experiencing stress due to inner pressure, maybe we can reduce it by having sex with one's spouse. Please know sex is medically able to improve mood and can also stimulate the brain to produce good chemicals called endorphins to decrease stress. Sex also can lower blood pressure, and helps soothe.

7. Put you to sleep more soundly
Sex flooding the body with endorphins and oxytocin, which is ideal for relaxation and make you sleep more soundly.

Review above is 7 Health Benefits of Sex For, but remember relates Sex should only be done with their own spouses (bond of marriage) if you do not want to find the inverse of 7 Health Benefits of Sex For such.

More aboutSex Benefits for Health

Turmeric For Health Benefits

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Benefits of turmeric is very diverse forms, especially to world health, turmeric or often also called Curcuma is a native species of herbs and spices Southeast Asian region, including Indonesia. turmeric or Curcuma is indeed famous as one of the ingredients flavoring for a variety of cuisines, but in addition The benefits of turmeric has turned out thousands Other benefits not to mention the benefits to health and also beauty.

Efficacy of turmeric outstanding is not apart of the content contained in it. Turmeric contains a compound called curcuminoid compounds are compounds with very efficacious as a medium of healing, the curcuminoids itself also consists of curcumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and also substances - substances such as essential oils, fats, carbohydrates, protein, starch, vitamins and minerals.

One of the diseases that can be cured with benefits The turmeric is magg disease. One disease This is very disturbing when you're attacking the pain, causing pain and sometimes nausea is indeed very disturbing activities. Magg disease occurs because presence of injuries - injuries to the gastric mucosa due keidak balance between pepsin or gastric acid secretion and mucus. Stess, irregular eating patterns and happy coffee consumption can lead to increased production stomach acid.
The Complete scientific classification of plants turmeric is as follows: Kingdom or kingdoms: Plants (Plantae)
  •  Subkingdom: Included in the vascular plant species or Tracheobionta
  •  Super Division: Login to the seed-producing plants or Spermatophyta
  •  Division: The flowering plants or Magnoliophyta
  •  Classes: Sign in class monocot or plant dashed one (Liliopsida)
  •  Sub Class: turmeric into sub classes Commelinidae Order: Zingiberales
  •  Family or Family: turmeric is still a family with ginger or Zingiberaceae
  •  Genus: Curcuma
  •  Species: Turmeric including species of Curcuma longa L.kunyit.

Benefits to Health
  • Consume turmeric regularly will prevent your risk of cancer and tumors. Turmeric is also rich in antioxidants that can keep health of your skin, and help rejuvenate cells in the body
  • Because turmeric is rich in antioxidants that can eliminate toxins and harmful chemicals that enter into the body.
  • Minimize the risk of leukemia Turmeric may help reduce body weight, then either Similarly, in the current consumption of the diet. Ation launched a breastfeeding mother Can help to expedite the menstrual.

Benefits for Treatment

    Treating Diabetes Mellitus. The way of processing: Prepare 3 turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Input materials with 1 liter of water, boil until boiling. Filter stew them and then drink 2 times a week, once a drink as much as 1/2 cup. Treat stomach aches when Haid. How to: Prepare 1 Turmeric is approximately 4 cm, 1/2 rhizome kencur size 4 cm, 1 cm ginger rhizome size 4.

 Wash all the ingredients then in the grate and take the water also add a squeeze of lemon juice. Pour boiling water earlier with grated 1/2 cup hot water. That more enjoyable, can also add honey, sugar, and salt according to taste. Drinking on the first day of menstruation. Treating sick Magg and Typhus Hospital. Method 1: Prepare This cloth material-ie, 2 turmeric rhizome, 1 piece sere, 1 bitter leaves. All material is finely ground, squeezed and take the water. Add 1 cup warm water then strain again. Drink the potion for 1 consecutive weeks on a regular basis. Method 2: Set 1 grated turmeric, then squeeze with no added water. Next add turmeric honey in lemon water before, stir until blended. Drink 2 times a day every morning and afternoon. Treating sick Cangkrang (Waterproken). Method: 2 turmeric, 1 handful of hyacinth leaves, then mashed the two ingredients until smooth. Apply this medicine on cangkrang taxable portion. Treating Mucus stools (dysentery).

The trick 1 rhizome turmeric, 1 piece of gambier, 1/4 tablespoon whiting. Then boiled with 2 cups water to boil to 1 cup and filtered. Then drink 2 times day 1/2 cup, morning and afternoon. Treating Diarrhea. Method: turmeric 1/2 finger, penetrance wind 1/2 tsp, Coriander 3 seeds, fruit tree seeds ules 1, Trawas leaves 1 piece. Mix all ingredients then mashed, add water as much as 115 ml. Boil until boiling then filtered.

Drinking time when the morning and evening, to drink as much as 100 ml Facilitate breastfeeding. Method: 1 turmeric rhizome pounded until smooth, kamdianunakan: applied as a compress around each breast 1 time every 2 days.  That's some of the benefits of turmeric for health and medicine. If there is a latest info about the other benefits will be in add here. But for those of you who suffer from unnecessary magg worry no more as a way of treatment for the disease magg
can be done in a way that is easy and inexpensive by use of turmeric as a medicine. There are several
ways that you can use to get benefits of turmeric this:

The first way

  •     Prepare 2 to 3ruas turmeric
  •     Wash Turmeric - Turmeric is to clean
  •     Peel the outer skin
  •     Grate the turmeric keudian squeeze and take the water

To drink.
    Performed twice a day

The second way

  •     Prepare 5 vertebra turmeric
  •     Wash thoroughly
  •     Cut - cut the saffron into pieces
  •     Boil the turmeric iisan along with cinnamon
  •     Drink boiled water at the time of starting magg attack.

The third way
  •     Prepare some stretches of turmeric
  •     Peel and then wash thoroughly
  •     Parutlah turmeric and then boiled until boiling
  •     Strain the cooking water and mix with egg yolks and raw sugar
Thus a variety of ways that can be used to magg cure with turmeric benefits. Way you wear depends on your taste.
More aboutTurmeric For Health Benefits

Effect of Soy for Sexual Health and Fat Sexuality Stomach for Men

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, 16 May 2013

Soy can be found in various products. you can buy soy milk, various types know, protein powder soybeans, and even soy in its alami state as
edamame. soybeans are also known to contain isovlapon good for the body.Isoflavones is very similar to the hormone estrogen, which is not
found in large quantities in men. when the number of large soy consumed, this can affect the levels of testosterone in the male body.

No adverse effect much on men if too much eating isovlapon, as reported by ehow. the effect of including weight gain, number of low sperm, lack of sex drive and erectile problems.

Will be lower testosterone levels in men after naturally age 30. adding large amounts of soy for no man can diet help maintain levels
healthy testosterone.

But if you can eat soy with a number of customizable, you can gain the benefits of soy high in antioxidants. soy has been linked to helping
lower cholesterol because high levels of acid omega-3 fats. it is also beneficial in lowering risk of prostate cancer.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction ( ed ) is one of types of sexual problems experienced by most men. to overcome this condition, doctors usually prescribe medication such as the blue pill or viagra. but the use of drugs only short-term solutions and the need to control power

Studies conducted in australia is indeed small because it only involves 31 volunteers. but the conclusions be important, especially other studies indicate that that obesity and erectile dysfunction ( ed ) is often
go hand in hand.

Fat and male sexual function excess weight, especially fat accumulation in the abdomen, can affect a mans sexual function in many ways.
obesity can interfere with the bodys ability to supply blood to the penis, and cause testosterone production decreased. although the results of studies on slimming and impotence continues.

Evolve, but the facts show that active men physically and have a relatively healthy diet has sex life quality and health conditions prime. the doctors also hope, evidence that slimming efforts can improve sex life will open the eyes of the adam potbellied to be aware of the threat hazards such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

You want to talk about prevention. when i talk about restoring penile health, it is will draw attention to them, said kevin billups, md, professor of urology at the university of minnesota, in minneapolis.

Billups added, when the patient consulted on impotence, the first thing he did was ask patient to stand and look at the condition of her stomach. if you can not see your penis, thats a sign of a masalah, said billups. stomach distended, billups said, negative impact on the sexual life of a man way to affect the health of their blood vessels.

Erection occurs when blood vessels to the penis enlarged and causing this vital organ is fully charged with blood. this process begins when the inner lining vessels ( endothelium ) releases nitric oxide, a jenis of molecule that signals the surrounding muscles to relax. viagra and drugs like working with
increase the amount of nitric oxide in the endothelium.

Although scientists have not understood with certainty, obesity can make the damaged endothelial cells. when the endothelium is not work optimally, the penis may not get supplies enough blood to cause or maintain erection.

Erection is basically an event cardiovascular. if the blood flow will not increase because blood vessels do not dilate normally, then there is a decrease in erectile function, said robert a. kloner, md, an expert heart and professor of medicine at the university of southern california keck school of medicine, los angeles. in this latest study, the experts did see the improvement of endothelial function in men losing weight. ( the function was measured by using two different laboratory tests. )

Poor heart health can also cause impotence in other ways. behavior to accumulate fat and lazy exercise that keeps the body fat also contributes the narrowing and hardening of the arteries ( atherosclerosis ), in which cholesterol and other substances are formed and clog in the arterial wall.

Atherosclerosis, known as trigger factors heart attack, also can easily occur on vessels small blood leading to the penis. even kloner said, atherosclerosis initially attacked the small vessels, so this may explain why ed can be will be an early warning sign of heart disease. role of testosterone blood vessel problems are responsible for sebagiab of cases of impotence experienced by obese men over 40 years. but other common causes are low levels of testosterone, which is also associated with obesity. content male sex hormones are high enough important to maintain sex drive and erections.

Low testosterone is often undiagnosed. dan because we are all getting fatter, the phenomenon is increasingly increased, said ronald tamler, md, director of the program mens health at mount sinai medical center, in new york. to those who potbellied, billups often warned that they were wary of falling levels of testosterone. abdominal fat seems to have an effect larger compared to the fat hormone distributed in other parts of the body.

Thats the bad actors who become mediators of the inflammatory and facilitate the entry of various substances into the body ower testosterone levels, said billups. by lowering a little weight can

Improve the function of blood vessels are. but the effect of decreasing weight loss on testosterone levels may not be occur instantaneously. according tamler, man low testosterone and experience impotence, although he berhasul lose weight, it may be necessary consider the use of testosterone gels, injections or patches.

sources :
More aboutEffect of Soy for Sexual Health and Fat Sexuality Stomach for Men

Avocado Fruits For Health Benefits

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Avocado fruit benefits : most of you must have tasted delicious avocado fruit and the delicious meat. either eaten directly, made avocado juice, fruit salad, or as a mixture.

Avocado fruit is easily one we encountered in the sellers market or fruit. the fruit is spread almost all over the archipelago and has fans ranging from the bottom to the top.

Several years ago we were still frequently encountered avocado tree in the yard. although not every home at least of the 5 existing planting avocado trees. however, the tree - the tree is only a memory. this is because the avocado tree is suppose to be a breeding ground for caterpillars that can make the itching. that is why from the beginning avocado into your plants is now felled all. if the tree - the tree may be maintained at this time we are still able to feel the benefits of an avocado that is second to none.

It turns out in addition to having good taste., consuming apples regularly can also give a very good effect on your health. substances contained in apples is believed to act as a cure and protect the body against some diseases.

below are some of the benefits of eating apples for a healthy body :

1. Preventing stroke
Some sources assert that we get by eating one avocado a day can prevent sesesorang of stroke. it is influenced by the presence of folic acid in avocado fruit is quite large.

read : benefits of honey

2. Against free radicals
In addition to the abundant folic acid kontent, it also contains vitamins e and c. previous article we mentioned when the two vitamins are effective against free radicals which can be one of the causes of degenerative diseases.

read : benefits of mangosteen fruit

3. Caring for eyes
Not only vit. e and c, an avocado is also rich in vit. a is good for eye health. regular consumption is believed to prevent the onset of cataracts and macular disease.

4. Keeping heart to stay healthy
The heart is the most vital organ of the human body. if the heart is not healthy then seseorag life will be disrupted. need regular maintenance to keep the heart healthy. avocados contain folic acid which can be used to treat heart health.

5. Overcoming pain ulcer
Heartburn is very annoying, if youre one of the people with this disease should begin now regularly consume avocado.

6. Preventing prostate cancer
We can not explain exactly how strong the anti-cancer effect of which is owned by an avocado. however, from sources which we obtained an avocado has a substance that can seek and destroy cancer cells. whether this is real or not positive thinking that we must be easy - i hope this news is true.

7. Lowering cholesterol
You have a masalah with cholesterol ? if yes, you should start now borong all avocado fruit that is in store. therefore, one avocado contains a compound that is vital to jamandicate cholesterol beta-sitosterol.
More aboutAvocado Fruits For Health Benefits

Benefits of Bananas to Beauty and Health

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, 4 May 2013

Benefits of banana the following this is very good for health and beauty we day-to-day. with the existence diverse such benefits, can become generating inspiration us for preserve and cultivate tastes our families for as often as may consume the fruit bananas. fruit bananas is a fruit who multi function. could be for anything. ranging from stem, leaf, flowers, until its fruit all beneficial for us.

Bananas contain potassium which is very much. potassium can reduce the pressure of the blood pressure, staged delivery of oxygen to the brain, and maintain the health of our heart. for more details you could read the reviews the full in fruit benefits pisang for those of health. benefits of fruit bananas utuk beauty is extremely a lot. for more details, directly course we refer to with his description about a million benefits fruit bananas to kecantikandan the health.

Benefits of fruit bananas for health :

below are some of the health benefits of bananas for the body, inter alia :

  • improve intelligence brain. the trik with consumes bananas 3 times a a day as washers mulut. dapat improve catching power and concentration.
  • Treat bowel disease and stomach. its vit. c kontent is useful as an inflammatory defense. how to grab a banana and then mixed with liquid milk can be presented as a cure bowel disease.
  • Maintain intestinal health. high fiber kontent of could sustain and restore intestinal health.
  • Helps smooth blood circulation. potassium kontent and potassium serves to help the bodys circulation, so that the circulation of oxygen to the brain to be smooth. potassium also capable assist heart rate so regularly, reduce the the risk the occurrence of stroke and regulate blood pressure so that normal.
  • For patients with lever. consuming 2 pieces bananas together spoon honey, could increase appetite.
  • As one of one source manpower. womb the sugar in bananas with easily can be digested and converted into source of manpower, so it very nice for eliminate a sense of penderitadiabetes. bananas distinctive gorontalo ( north sulawesi ) goroho which steamed and mixed with shredded coconut young, is used as an additional food for sufferers.
  • Lose weight. panduan healthy diet with eating 4 fruit bananas and 4 glasses of of milk non fat or could with liquid milk every day say the least 3 days inside a week, will help lose weight. only 1250 calories and the menu is fit and healthy enough.
  • Treating mosquito bites. the trik : apply a small amount banana skin part inside into bentolan the skin the former bitten mosquito on the skin. believed to reduce itching and red mosquito bites.
  • For patients with anemia. the trik with consume 2 fruit bananas every day. already enough because it contains zat besi ( fe which is high.
  • Reduce menstrual pain. womb vit. b6 his or her which high enough will help reduce sugar levels in the blood which can damage the mood and make menstrual pain.

The benefits fruit bananas for beauty

  • To lift the skin cells dead. the trik : grab fruits pisang and strawberry then cut small-small, then destroy until smooth. add two tablespoons of olive oil, stirring until smooth, do not forget an extra half cup of sugar, stir again until completely blended. apply on the skin, rub gently to exfoliate dead skin, let stand for a moment and then rinse with clean water. do regularly a week once a.
  • Tighten the breast skin. the kontent of vit. e in healthy kulit. langkahnya useful bananas : bananas are crushed to a pulp, add one tablespoon of honey, mix well. then dab on the breast area and let it dry. ago rinse with warm water new is rinsed with cold water. perform one week once a.
  • Able to brighten the skin. trik, crushed bananas to a pulp, add oatmeal to taste and stir until evenly distributed. apply on face, let it 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. do it at least once a week.
  • For soften the skin. how, to prepare half a banana and avocado, ago blender until well blended, add one spoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of yoghurt, stir until blended. apply on face, let stand during 15 minutes, later rinse with warm water, then rinse with rose water. perform every week once. 

More about Benefits of Bananas to Beauty and Health

Old Man Getting Good in Bed

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Men in their 20s are very reasonable if not know of any sexual question. but as we age, proven man can maximize sexual activity in bed.

Yes this is true at least, there are three compelling reasons why men age intensifies in bed. well listen completely more yuk as reported by the red book magazine below.

1. already done many times

sex comes pretty much with everything else, if trained to continue the man will become more skilled. because its already done many times with a partner, do not wonder why the old man getting in bed.

2. wife would not be left

whose name is great when men are really well-known love. because if not, it may be their wives would leave her husband. men also seek to learn from anywhere ( including pornographic film ) to become more skilled in satisfying his partner.

3. quality, not quantity

the more intensnya love it provide many advantages. but getting old, man realize that the best sex is managing the quality, not the quantity. therefore, though middle-aged man entered the age of passionate and hard enough, they still have a way to encourage couples in love and try to enjoy it.

that is the reason why more and more men in bed as we age. what the woman is the same ?
More aboutOld Man Getting Good in Bed

Healthy Tips to Clean Ears

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Remove debris in the ear. however, did you know a healthy way to clean ears ? ear canal is known to be very fragile and soft, making it easy to get hurt when cleaned. remember, indiscriminate digging of the risk of causing ear infections. heres a healthy way to clean ears, as reported boldsky.

Sometimes we are too careless and assume sepeleh masalah removing dirt in the ear by using dangerous tools such as wooden matches or similar hard object that we korekkan on ear when it itches. it is a risky way and unhealthy. but if you want to know the right way to clean the ears follow the steps below.


Step 1 apply 3-4 drops of baby oil into the ear before bed with a syringe. you can buy a syringe - no needle - in pharmacies. to apply baby oil, tilt your head with your ear facing upward, toward the ceiling. open your ears a bit so that the oil can get into the ear canal easily.

Step 2 apply a drop of baby oil on a piece of cotton. then, use it to stuff my outer ear. the goal is that oil that has been inserted into the ear does not contaminate clothing or pillow when it came out.
Step 3 let the baby oil remain in your ears for 15 minutes. the length of time cleaning depends on whether there is any blockage in the ear. if you are experiencing sumbata dirt in the ear, then take some time to soften the dirt. 15 minutes is enough time for ear cleaning standards.

Step 4 remove the cotton balls from his ears and waste. then fill the syringe with warm water. this will clean up the remnants of the sticky dirt in the ear canal.

Step 5 remove the water from the ear by turning the head to the opposite direction. put a clean towel just below the ears to accommodate the rest of the water. repeat this step five in the other ear.

All you need is :
1. baby oil
2. injections without needles
3. clean cotton
4. clean towels

More aboutHealthy Tips to Clean Ears

Dressing Tips for Choosing a Good and Healthy

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, 28 April 2013

Menstruation or perhaps also known as the menstrual cycle, typically approached women with monthly cycles. well jenis, types, and the selection of sanitary napkins are sold in the market, also determines whether to comfortably during menstruation or even vice versa. during menstruation, women also need to be diligent to change pads that are not easily irritated, injured, when blood came out. maintain the cleanliness around the sex organs could reduce the risk of disease.

Sanitary products already in the market is more practical. but unfortunately, not all of these pads quality. every woman should be smart in choosing the appropriate dressing to the area because not all of her feminine pads are safe to use. if one chose, then you will be attacked by various diseases such as itching, odor, vaginal discharge, cancer etc.. well, here we berbagi panduan on how to choose a good dressing for women to be healthy, and comfortable when your period comes.

Select pads that can absorb body fluids that come out perfectly, so the surface stays dry and free pads moist and does not cause irritation or itching of the intimate and vital part of femininity.

Try to choose a soft fabric pads for those who are sensitive. choose well pads that do not cause allergies. if youve tried one brand of pads, but was experiencing problems in the area of ? female skin, immediately replace it with another brand that is more friendly.

Avoid the use of pads containing perfume. because fragrance on pads it will make the skin more irritated. where possible choose pads that keep skin can breathe.

Change pads as often as possible. especially in conditions when are high. a woman having menstrual periods approximately 400-450 along age, which lasted for three or seven days. if menstruation lasts for five days and changing pads four times, then along his age he would spend around 8, 000 bandages.

Use pantyliner highly recommended for women who remove any last traces of excess fluid. choose pentyliner that fits your needs and your skin condition.

In addition to choosing a good and proper dressing, how to dress during menstruation also need to be noticed. best to avoid the use of clothing made from nylon hot as a hot and can not absorb sweat. you are advised to use the pants to position the pads do not move much. also, avoid the use of pants that are too tight as it can cause some errors due to the overlap of sweat.

When not menstruating, you dapoat use pantyliner for daily activity. pentyliner this function so that v region remained dry conditions. however, you must often change pentyliner so as not to get wet. as well as selecting your pads should also choose pentyliner made from soft and safe. selection of wrong pads or pentyliner will cause problems or diseases such as cervical cancer ( cervical cancer ).

This disease is one jenis of cancer that occurs in the cervix or cervical area. the cervix is ? ;? ;the part of the uterus that connects the uterus to the upper vagina. cervical cancer is likely to appear in women aged 33-35 years, but can also appear at a younger age.

But there are things that need to be observed, inter alia :

Pads that have a high absorption during menstruation will help out a lot more. it also prevents the pads become leaky and stain clothing. sanitary napkins.

2. Comfortable to wear.
Choose a comfortable pads that do not interfere with daily activities.

3. Odorless.
Its good select napkin that has no particular scent. the scent pads containing certain chemicals instead. for those with sensitive skin, this will only make the vagina becomes itchy and irritated.

4. Select qualified.

Bandages are made from quality materials will be noticeably softer on the skin. these factors will reduce skin irritation in the vaginal area.

More aboutDressing Tips for Choosing a Good and Healthy

Benefits Of Oat Meal Mask For Skin Beauty

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, 27 April 2013

If at this time you said it was not like oat meal, you should try little by little. because, there are many benefits that you get from eating oat meal. if you did not use it for your health, you may be able to use it for the beauty of your skin. yes, oat meal is not only food that nourish the body, but using oat meal mask on the skin, it will also affect your skins beauty.

Has long been known as the oatmeal is a healthy diet, low in calories and low in cholesterol. mengonkonsumsi oat meal, can also help solve your obesity masalah. some people said, simply consuming oat meal for a week, can help the success of your diet program. its just that sometimes taste of oat meal or too bland taste of milk, causing food wheat and corn cereal is not a lot of rage. you can get information about the role in oat meal that we created earlier article, namely, troubleshooting choose tengan night makanan ringan menu.
four reasons why oat meal mask adding beauty skin

According to the fda, oat meal mask was instrumental in removing dryness and inflammation of the skin. inflammation of the skin that can be treated with oat meal mask, like a red rash on the skin, inflammation from insect bites and eczema problems.

Dr.. amy wechsler, a dermatologist from the united states also said the same thing, about the efficacy of the use of oat meal mask for skin beauty. according to him, there are four skin beauty benefits that can be obtained when using a mask seseoarang oat meal routine.

There are four reasons why your skin adores oatmeal, explains dr. amy wechsler, dermatologist from new york, usa.

1. Against drought : oatmeals contain polysaccharides, which become gelatinous in water and leave a good protective layer on the skin, preventing skin dull, dry and scaly.

2. Moisturizing : oatmeal is rich in healthy fats that can moisturize the skin

3. Skin defense : the protein in oatmeal help maintain the skins alami barrier function, which ensures that dead skin and dirt that comes from the outside does not enter into the required while still seep into.

4. Cleaning pores : oatmeals filled with alami cleansers ( called saponins ) that gently remove dirt and oil from pores.

To reap all the benefits, wechsler recommends using oatmeal mask one to two times a week. heres his recipe super simple and required materials already in your kitchen

Healthy fat kontent contained in oat meal, will give effect moustirizing, or skin moisturizing effect. thus making the skin appear more glossy and bright. in addition, there is also oat meal in polysaccharides, which when dissolved in water, will turn into a gelatinous. the kontent of this polysaccharide also helps the skin to avoid dryness. dry skin is highly undesirable people, since it causes a dull and accelerate the contraction.

Consuming oat meal, means also increase the intake of protein into the body, because the oat meal is very rich in protein. the presence of protein, means it will help the regeneration of body cells. if used as a mask oat meal, the protein will be instrumental in helping to deter ang substances will damage the skin, and helps absorb useful substances to the skin.

Basically protein is very beneficial for the body immunity, so that when the bodys immunity to be better, then the harmful substances that will make the skin become damaged too easily prevented.

The latter is, the kontent of saponins present in oat meal, very useful to cleanse skin pores are dirty due to dust and other impurities.
dispensing oat meal mask your own

Oat meal mask memnag very rarely traded. however, you can create your own. how to make oat meal mask was fairly quick and easy.

Prepare 2 tablespoons of oat meal, which is smooth in a blender. put oat meal powder in warm water and add half a teaspoon of honey. you can use oat meal mask after cooler, and of course, after you wash your face thoroughly.

He put on a mask oat meal, you can also do massage on the face, so that it can be absorbed zat0zat useful. it also helps you become more relaxed.
More about Benefits Of Oat Meal Mask For Skin Beauty

Women Risk Produce Small Babies

Diposkan oleh Unknown

One sign of a healthy pregnancy is fetal weight increases appropriate increase growth. since the first trimester to the third trimester, fetal growth chart

Table or can be known. normally, in the first trimester, fetal weight in grams only a few figures. in the second trimester ( 12 weeks - 28 weeks ), kg of
Body weight be, and be about 2. 5 kg in the last trimester, ie weeks gestational age 28 - 35/36 weeks.

Girl in a pregnancy affected fetal growth restriction is known to have a high risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease and death in the decades ahead,

Said study investigator, dr basky thilaganathan, director of maternal fetal medicine unit at st georges university of london, in a news release.

Approximate weight

According to dr. nurwansyah, sp. og, on examination of pregnancy, fetal weight is calculated based on ultrasound examination. among other counting head

Circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur fetus.

There formula. calculated based on the measurement of the diameter of the head, abdominal circumference, and femur length, then converted to weight loss out

Guesstimate fetus. some ultrasound machines can also have a graphic showing growth, said the specialist obstetrician and gynecologist rs premier bintaro

This proceeding.

Why is it called approximate weight ? according nurwansyah, it is because it has a margin of error calculation. its error margin hangs machine ( usg ) and the

Examiner ( physician ). own margins hover around 200-400 grams. for example, at the age of 27 weeks fetal weight estimates of kg. at birth, his weight can be

800 to 1200 grams.

Far difference

However, fetal growth can be hampered for several reasons. this hampered the growth of the fetus will affect the development of the baby weight.

If the difference between the estimate and the figure of birth weight very much, it means that inhibited fetal weight. for example, 28 weeks of gestational

Age, fetal weight but only 500 grams. or, fetal age of 14 weeks, but age appropriate measure fetal body weight 7-8 weeks. we suggest caution.

The possibility of growth disturbance should be sought to know why. is there any chromosomal defects or other diseases. normally, babies like this, very

Small thigh size, not according to the size thigh fetal age of 14 weeks, as well as head size, said nurwansyah. however, it is still considered normal if in

38 weeks gestational age and fetal weight 2. 5 kg.

A variety of reason

If this inhibition occurs in the first trimester, most likely there is a chromosomal abnormality. if appears when entering the second trimester, is probably

Due to chromosomal abnormalities, or fetal growth variation due to other diseases. for example, the mother had diabetes.

More about Women Risk Produce Small Babies

Having A Quick Way Of Ideal Height

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, 26 April 2013

Have ideal height is everyones dream. many people do sports, as well as by way of improvement body medicine, to perform the operation to obtain the ideal height. human growth usually stops after the age of 21-25 years in men. and how to stop the growth of women age 21 years. for those who are still in its infancy, how the hell in order to get the ideal height ? the following are the 3 types of food to help elevate the body.

1. Food protein
Protein helps to help stimulate the growth of muscle and fat tissue. protein is essential for the growth process in the future. children between the ages of 1-3 years need 13 grams of protein each day, and children aged 4-8 years need 19 grams per day. children aged 9-13 years need 34 grams. 52 grams for young men and 46 grams for female adolescents.

The body needs protein, although it still is over the age of growth to build cells that have been damaged. adult women need about 46 grams of protein and men need about 56 grams per day, foods that contain the protein such as chicken, beef and fish. then milk, nuts and eggs.

2. Fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins that the body needs to maintain a healthy and stimulating body growth.

3. Milk and grains
The body is in need of calcium in the growth process. because the bones are very strong effect on height. children ages 2-3 years need cup of milk every day and children aged 4-8 need . 5 cups of milk. while the teen-age children and adults need 3 cups of milk each day.

while the seeds contain energei body needs to grow. grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice.

Learn more about height please read alami way to increase height here:

So how do i calculate the ideal height.
weight + 110 = high ideal

Suppose a man has a height 167 cm and weight 60 kg. the calculation is

60 + 110 = 170

Tolerance is more or less 5cm. if he has a height 167 cm, meaning it includes having ideal height.
More aboutHaving A Quick Way Of Ideal Height

Tips and How to Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Having a clean face from acne, smooth and clean is the dream of all women and men. but all hope will be lost unless approached acne. the acne alone, can make all the face region was destroyed, making insecure and upset. therefore many people who want a quick treatment, but if using chemical drugs is feared will damage the facial skin, especially if without a doctors prescription.

If we went to the doctor or therapist, must be expensive, not to mention far place, would make lazy, try the things that we can do at home is certainly easy, cheap and the result is no less than artificial beauty experts and treatment.

5 Tips and how to get rid of acne naturally

1. Tomatoes

Benefits of tomatoes
tomatoes are a very powerful way to get rid of blackheads. how to use it is very easy, you just split into two, then apply on the face with acne. after an hour, you can use warm water rinse.

2. Lemon

Benefit of lemon
orange juice contains citric acid, which can remove dead skin cells that cause acne. how to quickly get rid of acne in a alami way using a very easy stay lime squeeze of lime, then juice the result is applied directly to the entire face, leave on for 10-15 minutes, do it on a regular basis for 2 weeks, then youll enjoy the results.

3. Aloe vera

Benefits of aloe vera for acne
aloe vera can eliminate acne and acne scars membandel. langkahnya, take aloe leaf, then cut into pieces, peel the outside, then apply on the acne, do every day morning and afternoon or evening. usually pimples will dry and flake off within 3 days.

4. Garlic

Garlic is also one that can get rid of acne naturally, tumbuklah two garlic until smooth, then apply to the entire face. let stand for 10 minutes, if you want maximum results you can also take garlic every day as much as piece. but do not be surprised, that certainly aroma and flavor of garlic is definitely not good. but if it is effective to remove acne why not ? ointments and capsules of physicians also smell and taste awful, does not it.

5. White

Benefits of egg whites to get rid of acne
egg white can reduce the oil on the face that can trigger acne, it is very easy just to separate the egg yolk and egg white, then we take the egg whites, whipped and smeared all over the face and leave on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinsed with water warm.

There are some things that can support the success of quick tips get rid of acne the alami way is, among other things :

1. Never touch acne with your hands.

Because we never know, we hand it was clean or not, lest many bacteria, hiii, existing acne later we added even more deflated instead, so stay away from acne you should not touch it or push it.

2. Close face while traveling

If you are a motorist or user of public transport, pollution has the potential to pollute the streets of your face and trigger acne appears. it is advisable to cover your face with a mask.

3. Facial

When you get to wherever your destination, if possible, wash your face, take a gentle face wash soap, or you can use milk soap, do not use harsh soaps to wash my face, because you will only damage the skin.

4. Clean living

Make your room clean, do not forget to bathe regularly, wash your face regularly, and less oily food.

5. Regular life

Do not stay up if not necessary, do not stay up late every night, because it will add to your acne more and more, stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

6. stress

Stress also triggers acne is one of the most important, for it stay away from stress, nearness to the almighty himself.

Follow carefully, how to quickly get rid of acne the alami way, then you do not need to see a doctor, do not need to shell out expensive costs. look for the easiest way you can do it yourself at home, according to the time and work that you have, that you can do important regular and consistent basis.

More aboutTips and How to Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

The following tips lose weight

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Actually no valid measures regarding the ideal body weight, ideal body weight because it depends on your activity day 1 day. ideal weight of a sportsman is definitely not the same as normal weight people who work as employees.

Many ways to do a diet to lose weight. for example like a lingering sports, fitness, diet, and especially too excessive that it can create more stress. but there koq easy and fun way to lose weight without the stress created. real weight loss secret that the good performance of metabolism. the metabolic rate of the body's power to burn the food that was consumed. Researchers believe that a good metabolic equivalent program ended with various types of diets.

Many hormonal changes that take place when we are teenagers. This has resulted in the ongoing regarding changes in our physical, starting from body odor, acne, weight gain until we were riding.

If we are not smart set diet, our bodies might have to be heavy in the still very young age. if it had been so, it helps us find a novel way so as not to bother and we will lose weight. The following tips lose weight

1. Eat less fried foods
fried foods very jamant to put trans fats that can increase cholesterol and the resulting accumulation of excess fat in the body too. and eat good food by the way boiled, roasted, spiced, steamed or soup.

2. ating brown rice
replace white carbs with complex carbs that come from brown rice can further accelerate weight loss system formation. These carbohydrates take longer to be digested by the body, until the stomach feel full longer. not just red rice that contain complex carbohydrates that is, potatoes (boiled), nuts and whole grain bread.

3. Stay away from fast food
junk food or fast food jamant to do with fat. the fast food habit is certainly more weight you can excess, and therefore stay away from junk food type to get the ideal body weight

4. Stay away from soda drinks that contain a lot of calories
on small bottles of soft drinks contain around 250 calories that come from sugar. and the impact of kerapkalinya a fizzy drink for women are likely to be affected by obesity, diabetes or osteoporosis. and soft drinks is no content of vit ..

5. Reduce the portion of your meal
reduce slightly the portion of food every day, this can be done by gradually until half portion of the routine at first.

6. Eat often
eat less but more often better than eating a lot but rarely eat 5 times the first day, but with a small portion of the body's metabolism to make more and better ways to help lose weight. then by eating small meals often is not easy to make you hungry to stem hunger and excessive appetite.

7. Lots of fruits and vegetables
swapping food snacks with fruits and vegetables is highly recommended if we are pingin lose weight, in addition to fruits and vegetables also make a good health and nutrient content due to have vit. dibutuhkakn by the body.

8. Drinking water before mealtime
drink water before meal times can reduce hunger, to be able to reduce the content of your meal portions. besides that it is also useful to add water metabolism in the body.

9. Diligent exercise
if you have a regular exercise schedule, as well as the portion imbuhkan time to exercise. middle for guys who do not have a regular schedule, as soon as possible can come to the gym. and can use the elliptical trainer approximately 40 minutes + 5 day period, but it can make the body avail more sehar and fresh.

10. laugh
laughing 100 times is equivalent to in fact end up spending 15 minutes with cycling power. laughter is beneficial to reduce stress hormones and can do the repair person's metabolic system. This subject also had an influence on the improvement of the immune system / immune system by increasing T cell that produces antibodies.

11. A cold shower
researchers said cold shower can add your metabolism. Low water temperatures can lead to ongoing muscle contraction and body shivering, could add up to a person's metabolism.

body can actually try to return to normal temperature at the time felt low temperatures. then the body can warm up and activate the immune system to produce more white blood cells.

12. Eat pineapple
in fact pineapple contains bromelain substances. These substances have immediate benefits on the digestive system and can help the absorption of nutrients from food. bromelain in the fruit is also the added benefit of pancreatic cells to break down food substances, can speed up the body's metabolism.

13. Drinking green tea
studies show that catechin contained in green tea can help increase the metabolism and reduce the level of body mass index. green tea is beneficial to get rid of LDL (bad cholesterol).

14. Eating spices
researchers say could help the performance of chili metabolism. capsaicin produced by spicy foods one can oxidize fat composition. spicy foods can also increase heart rate, produce more power, up to the higher calories burned.

15. Tips above is useful to increase the body's metabolism. but kept in mind, exercise and eating nutritious foods continues then factor the absolute level of a person's weight.
More aboutThe following tips lose weight

Ways to Push Up the Right and Benefits

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Push-ups in a way that can actually strengthen your arms and abdominal muscles, but if one happens to do push ups will actually make good effects on the body. then how the hell attitude or push up position correct ? here are tips on doing push ups correctly and effectively.

Steps to perform push-ups the right way :
1. You do not need to use a mat to do push-ups, because you can do it directly on the floor.

2. Put your hands on the floor with wide open position. foot rests on the panduan of your toes, until the whole body can be supported with a straight and perfect.

3. Lower your shoulders to form a 90-degree elbow.

4. Then he took a breath, push the arm up to the shoulder and straight.

Push up the good done when the stomach is empty, the morning and afternoon. for beginners are advised to conduct two series of push-ups every day ( 25 times / series ). then gradually improved.

Push up benefits for the body, such as the

1. Muscle toning
Diligent push ups will tighten the muscles in particular 2. arm.
2.Preventing osteoporosis
Push ups can also strengthen bones thus preventing it from kropos bones or osteoporosis.
3. Longevity
A study from the university of greifswald conducted over seven years, showed that diligently doing push-ups can increase testosterone levels in the body. this testosterone prevents the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
4 Flatten belly fat
Push ups are one exercise that light and complimentary to tackle belly fat.

More aboutWays to Push Up the Right and Benefits

Nutrition for Very Important For Pregnant Women

Diposkan oleh Unknown

As you age, the nutritional needs of pregnant women will increase, especially after entering the second trimester of pregnancy. because at that time, the rapid growth of the fetus occurs - especially the development of the brain and nervous system? and requires maximum nutrition.

Condition of the mother during pregnancy is very risky. mother must be very clever in choosing foods that will be eaten, and if a person can be bad for the fetus. pregnant women are often advised to consume enough nutrients for both mother and fetus. every day, pregnant women need an extra 300 calories than women who are not pregnant. it is recommended not that amount of food, but rather prioritize nutrition Kontent.

Important addition to a healthy diet during pregnancy. this is because the main source of nutrients consumed 100% of fetuses derived from food eaten his mother. Nutrient intake that must be met include foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals which have a big impact on the growth of the baby. The following are the 6 important nutrient for pregnant women. here is a very important nutrient during pregnancy.

. carbohydrates and fats as an energy source to produce calories can be obtained from cereals, tubers.

2. Protein as a source of builder substances can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs and nuts.

3. Minerals as a regulator can be obtained from fruits and vegetables - vegetables.

4. Vitamin B
complex is useful to keep the nervous system, muscles and heart to function normally. can be found in cereals, grains - whole grains, nuts, green leafy vegetables, yeast, eggs and dairy products.

5. Vitamin D is useful for infant growth and bone formation. sources are found in fish liver oils, egg yolks and milk.

6. Vitamin E is useful for the formation of healthy red blood cells. ate institutions mainly wheat grains, nuts, vegetable oils and green vegetables.

7. Folic acid is useful for the development of the nervous system and blood cells, are found in many dark green vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower and broccoli. on fruits, folic acid found in oranges, bananas, carrots and tomatoes. needs folic acid during pregnancy is 800 mcg per day, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency can interfere with the formation of the brain, congenital defects in the central nervous system and brain of the fetus.

8. iron is needed for pregnant women to avoid anemia, is found in green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale, cassava leaves, papaya leaves), meat and liver.

9. Calcium, needed for bone growth and fetal teeth, and to protect pregnant women from osteoporosis if pregnant women calcium needs are not fulfilled, then the lack of calcium will be taken from the mother's bones. Other sources of calcium are green leafy vegetables and nuts. best when calcium derived from milk and other dairy products. Milk also contains many vitamins, such as vitamins. a, d, b2, b3, and vitamins. c

pregnant women are encouraged to consume foods rich in vitamins. e as much as 15 mg per day to help the body form red blood cells and use as well as muscle. vitamins. e is present in wheat, pulses, oilseeds, cereals and spinach.

5. Vitamin B1

Pregnant women need vitamins. b1 least. 4 mg per day. important to increase energy and also regulate the nervous system. The vit. abundant in grains, eggs, rice, and cereal.

6. Vitamin B2

Minimal. 4 mg vitamin. b2 pregnant women needed per day to maintain energy, maintain healthy skin and eyes. to get vitamin intake. b2 can be found in meat, dairy products, eggs and fish.

Source: Warmasif. co. id
More aboutNutrition for Very Important For Pregnant Women

Chili For Health Benefits

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Chili is one of the types of foods that are rich in nutrients. cayenne pepper has many levels of vit. c and beta-carotene ( provitamin a ), higher than fruits such as oranges, pineapple, mango, and watermelon. even the mineral kontent in cayenne pepper, especially calcium and phosphorus, beat fresh fish. however, vit. c is richer than the green chili chili.

The spicy chili flavor is caused by a substance called capsaicin which is found in chili beans. capsaicin has stomakik nature, which serves to increase appetite. besides chili also contains the hormone endorphin which makes the food taste better. it is not surprising, spicy sauce makes us want to eat more.

Spicy meals of chili are always consumed daily ever since our ancestors, turned out to contain many benefits for the health human body. that resume of the results of research in different countries.

Hhen sanda including who like spicy foods or snacks such as kurupuk seuhah which has 3 flavors that tease, this time link tea berbagi on benefits or benefits chili for human health, including :

  • Accelerate wound healing.
  • Can reduce fever.
  • Can relieve flu ( runny nose ).
  • Prevent disease stroke.
  • As a source of vit. c and vit. a.
  • Is a alami source of antioxidants.
  • Can warm the body.
  • helps burn fat naturally
  • Eliminating sleepy

Cabe also considered a alami antibiotic. this is because the chili can prevents the risk of stroke, impotence, blood vessel blockage, and coronary heart disease. regularly consume capsaicin also be able to make the blood thin and prevent scale formation of fat in the blood vessels. so the chili is also efficacious to prevent blood clots or thrombosis.
More about Chili For Health Benefits

EfficacyvRoses To Overcome Bad Breath

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, 23 April 2013

function roses-roses in the village commonly called the rose flower is also in my own place. style roses is still a lot more than 100 styles of wild roses. the rose itself is a style of style rose plants of the genus.
roses are usually made ​​so ornamental plant or as a signal of love, like a dangdut song lyric "red roses mean love a signal that you're in love with me" as a farm business should last for flower growers. however, suppose you think a rose much for it only has the function you are wrong.
roses are also useful to eliminate bad breath. The natural step and eliminate bad breath and bad breath following steps dealing with red roses:

  • prepare roses partly stems are still fresh
  • take this the rose petals in a glass and fill lah
  • let the rose petals submerged one night in the glass, is like finally simply want more steady in position outside the residence at night in order to condense
  • strain of red roses which already was soaked and embunkan
  • campurkanlah little sugar cubes
  • ramuaan drink tersbut roses three times a week

So the one step menghilankan bad breath by using natural roses. hopefully this article useful whole. and make your life healthy as necessary

More aboutEfficacyvRoses To Overcome Bad Breath

Health Tips For Breastfeeding Mothers

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Breastfeeding is beneficial activity for the baby. infants aged under 2 years., really need to change ation. but it's not only beneficial breastfeeding for baby, then the mother can also feel its usefulness. so many medical studies suggest that breastfeeding could hold the women from breast cancer. Health Tips For Breastfeeding Mothers.

1. Breastfed baby whenever he asked
a lot of mothers who schedule pemberisan ation. This subject should be avoided because of the mother's milk production capacity of many kinds. the smaller the production, the more often and longer breastfeeding baby. as well as the baby itself that weighs just know when she needs to feed.

2. Wear comfortable clothes
Mothers really convenient if started while breastfeeding breastfeeding clothes are okay to use. Therefore wear loose and not tight. specify the exact materials that make the mother comfortable.

Today many breastfeeding wear that comes with a wide variety of styles that you can specify. used clothes especially for breastfeeding, the mother certainly would be more comfortable to wear because indeed designed according to the needs and health of the mother.

3. Tips for working mothers
Course for nursing mothers need utmost reduce working hours. but if indeed need to work, to strive for when his work outside the residence semapatkanlah his best to feed the baby. once before when leaving work, your next afternoon after work and once after you eat dinner. but like tips number 2, you need to be ready whenever the baby as well ask this last being most nights.

4. Breastfeeding tips are night

If you're tired and need a night feeding, breast milk can be put in the bottle so that the baby can be given at any time. but do not give the baby breast milk stored through 2x24.
Besides that if you start putting less comfortable ation in the bottle, not wanting pingin you need to feed the baby being night. This can be circumvented using clothes breastfeeding / nursing wear while sleeping. if using nursing wear, women can breastfeed anytime and anywhere comfortably.
More aboutHealth Tips For Breastfeeding Mothers

Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Health and Medicine

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Communities in indonesia would be familiar with aloe vera. this herb is very popular among the people. most of the people make the aloe vera plant as a decorative plant for its leaves which shape is unique and beautiful. but who would have thought. behind the beauty of it, it turns aloe vera has many excellent benefits for the bodys health and beauty.

Aloe vera mengadung some mineral elements good for the body, such as zinc, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium. in addition, the gel contained within the aloe vera also contains 75 biologically active ingredients, wherein the active ingredient is beneficial to human health.

In taking this plant, people generally still use aloe topically, but you can make it as a drug in a way makes it a juice, or made ​ ;​ ;similar nata.

Not only that aloe vera also contains 72 kinds of useful substances and some kontent of more than 200 other compounds. among these substances include :

  • Enzymes that help digestion and prevent inflammation.
  • all kinds of vitamins except vit. d.
  • contains minerals necessary enzymes
  • containing 20 of the 22 types of amino acids
  • the kontent of saponin, as an anti-microbe

Here are the benefits of aloe vera for health and medicine :

  • Detoxification : aloe vera juice bikinan, can serve as a neutralizing toxins that enter the body naturally. but it also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that can also help the body cope with stress.
  • Lowering blood sugar levels diabetes : denagn consume half spoons of aloe juice drink for 14 days has been shown to lower blood sugar levels as much as 45% of people with diabetes.
  • Immune system : the kontent of anti-oxidants in aloe vera can increase the bodys resistance and immunity.
  • Treat digestive disorder : aloe vera plant is also beneficial to overcome irritable bowel, ulcers lamubung, stomach feels hot, and calm esophagus and acid reflux overcome.
  • Treating burns : gel of aloe vera has been known and has been for many years dugunakan treat burns.
  • Maintaining oral health : aloe vera is also beneficial oral health, especially the deteriorating gums.
  • Overcoming bruises and cuts in : aloe vera can treat bruises and internal injuries.
  • Treating blood urine : with 15 grams of aloe vera preparing for extortion and plus 300 g sugar water mix to taste rice.
  • Skin care : aloe vera can maintain skin moisture, eliminate acne, remove scars, treat acne, detoxify the skin, reduce inflammation, repair and skin rejuvenation.
  • Dealing with dandruff, hair loss and baldness : since ancient times aloe vera is widely used as a drug to treat dandruff and itching on the hair. you do this by rubbing aloe vera on the hair and scalp, leave on for 40-60 minutes, then rinse with shampoo to clean. 
Use of aloe vera plant in the world of beauty:

  • As face masks.
  • Restore freshness to the eyes.
  • Beautify nails, as well as
  • Restore skin color
More aboutBenefits Of Aloe Vera For Health and Medicine

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Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, 22 April 2013

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